Mr. Corbitt.P1

Mr. Corbitt.P1 (Essie, Peter, Jimmy)

5pm Sunday, March 9th, 1924: Jimmy was late… delayed per his black-market search for grenades left over from the Great War. He stored them in his Speakeasy office before stepping into the street where Peter impatiently waited in his newly painted Bessie. “Well, what do you think of the new color?” Jimmy teased, “Let me hear how she sounds.” Peter raced the engine. “No, I mean the horn.” “Aaaa-Woo-Gaaa” Jimmy laughed as Peter was shocked, “Bessie, what have they done to you?!” [Truth-or-Consequences scenario: Jimmy had paid the Bolton auto mechanic to install that horn.]

They drove on to Essie’s house to pick her up for a night on the town. Both boys whistled at her lavish dress, “Going somewhere we don’t know about?” It was an inside joke: it was in the papers how Essie had won a prestigious award from the university for her paper on American History as seen through the displays at the Miskatonic Museum. Essie returned the compliment, “Nice of you boys to dress up. Peter, you look dapper in that 3-piece tweed suit. And you, Jimmy, actually look refined when not wearing that gangster overcoat.”

Mr Bernard Corbitt: “What’s the occasion?” It was Essie’s friendly neighbor from across the street. Bernard remembered, “Oh yes, how forgetful of me. I read about your award. Congratulations. Say, I don’t mean to interrupt but I’m late for a business outing. Mr. Graves, you work for the police. Well, you used to… anyway, I hope I’m not imposing… would it be too much to ask you to drop off this basket to the local station? It’s a basket of fruits and vegetables for the Police Officer’s Benevolent Fund. They are having a charity auction.”

Bobby Lynskey: Bernard turned to leave and almost knocked over Bobby on his paper-route bike. “Sorry Bobby, I wasn’t expecting you out on a Sunday evening.” Bobby blushed, “Sorry Mr. Corbitt, I’m putting up fliers around the neighborhood. Evening Mrs. Vance. Have you seen my dog?” [Phobia] Peter was about to express interest, till he saw Bobby’s amputated left arm. Peter excused himself into Essie’s house, “Let me get your coat.” It didn’t matter she already had it on. Jimmy reached for one of the fliers, “Basil you say. $5… he must be very special.” Bobby almost started to cry, “He’s all I got. Means the world to me. He ran away 2 days ago while I was delivering papers in the area. I’ve gone door to door asking folks. Well, except for Miss Hart and her maid Mrs. Wallace. They are witches you know. I’ve seen their cauldron and heard them chanting. Miss Hart even threatened me once about turning me into a toad.”

Jimmy commented on Bobby’s missing arm, “Do you need a hand posting those notices? Only $5… can’t count higher than that?” Essie would have kicked him in the shin if he was closer. Bobby missed the puns, “I lost it in that hit-and-run 2 years ago. I woulda died if it wasn’t for Mr. Corbitt. The doctors said he saved my life by stopping the bleeding with a tourniquet.” Now it was Bernard’s turn to blush, “Who knew my medical training would come in handy.” Jimmy almost choked out a laugh… stopped by Essie’s deadly stare. Essie spoke up, “Don’t you worry Bobby, we’ll help you find Basil. Why, I have two great detectives on the case now.”

Hart house: Essie knocked on the door, gaining audience with Rebecca Wallace. “Why hello Essie. My, don’t you look sweet. What can I do for you?” Essie was about to mention Basil when she heard a rattling/thumping sound from inside. It was Miss Harriet Hart lurching forward with her cane, “Rebecca, who’s pestering us now? Miss Vance… you should be ashamed of yourself! All those men you bring to your house all hours of the day. And night. A regular hussy.” Essie ignored the slight of Miss versus Mrs. but quipped, “You know me, single and ready to mingle. I’ve been called worse.” Harriet almost had a heart-attack, “Rebecca, send her away. Now! Puddles, where are you dear? Come to mama.”

“Yes mam.” Rebecca closed the door behind her as she stepped onto the porch, “You’ll have to forgive the old spinster. A bit constipated she is.” Essie told her about Basil. Rebecca was sympathetic, “Poor boy must be heartbroken. Why if anything happened to Miss Hart’s dog Puddle, it would be the death of her. I’ll keep a lookout.”

Basket Delivery: At first Jimmy considered staying in the car when Peter stopped at the local police station. But then he realized he had nothing to fear, “Not like I’m a wanted man.” Peter spoke to an officer on the steps, “Johnny, how’s it going? Say, would you mind telling the other beat-cops to keep a lookout for a stray dog?” Johnny laughed, “Which one? Haven’t you read the papers about all the missing pets? Hopefully the one you’re asking about isn’t one of the mutilated ones found at the park. We thought we had the bastard responsible, but not enough evidence. You’ll have to ask the desk sergeant for more information.”

It took some persuasion and law-talk to get Sgt O’Rourke to open up. “Well, considering you’re not handcuffed by legalese like us. Yeah, we brought in a Randolph Tomaszewski. He was first seen around the city dump with dogs/cats following him. A regular Pied piper he was. Later, we saw him in the park where we found those mutilated animal bodies. But no blood on his clothing. Had to release him for lack of evidence. I can’t give out his address but can tell you he works at Central Hospital as an orderly or something. Meanwhile, we’ve increased the park patrols.”

Evening out: The rest of the night was uneventful as they partied at Jimmy’s speakeasy. Peter nursed his drinks while Jimmy followed his strict rule of never drinking the merchandise. Essie rarely had time to drink her 3 spritzers as she was constantly dragged to the dance floor. It was midnight when they finally retired for the night. “How about a drive around the park.” After parking Bessie by the curb, Peter pulled his shotgun out of the trunk and put it under his coat. Jimmy’s tommygun wasn’t as well concealed under his coat. With flashlights in hand, they split up. Peter and Essie went north and soon ran into a patrol cop who stepped forward, “Late night for a walk. Say fella, if you haven’t heard… probably not the best idea. Might not want to frighten the lady if you come across… injured animals to put it mildly.”

Jimmy walked south… and was soon surprised by a cop stepping forward from the trees. “And what might you be doing out in the park this late at night? What’s that under your coat?” Jimmy tried to walk away. “Hold on fella!” Jimmy could see the cop about to put his whistle to his lips. [Opposed POW check- casting Cloud Memory] The cop’s eyes glazed over. Jimmy suggested, “Forget all you’ve seen… for the last month.” With a blank look on his face, the cop quizzically asked, “What brings you out tonight? Lovely evening for a walk…” Jimmy kept the conversation short before leaving.

Monday morning: Peter was up at his normal 6am bathroom break. Jimmy made an early check on warehouse shipments. Essie wasn’t as cheery from little sleep; she joined them wearing sunglasses. Before heading to the hospital, Jimmy had Peter stop by a nice clothing store. He came out with a nice pair of gloves for Essie.

Central Hospital: The information desk baulked at giving out employee information, “You’ll have to ask the directory about Mr. Tomaszewski.” She buzzed Mr. Willoughby, “There are more detectives here asking about Randolph.” Peter flashed his badge… he didn’t say he was a current cop. Steve wasn’t happy, “You’ll have to forgive me, but Randolph already missed a day’s work when he was brought in for questioning. Follow me but keep it short.”

They entered the door labeled “Staff Only” and found a man in a smock leaning over a table with his back to them. “Randolph, there are more police here to question you.” [Sanity check] Peter spun to the side of the room and vomited. Essie and Jimmy gasp. Randolph stood over bloody trays of bloody towels, and bandages, and various body parts (burned skin, placenta, damaged organs, amputated parts, etc.) with his own smock covered in wet blood. Willoughby was surprised, “I thought you knew he was our only orderly responsible for disposing of operating room waste. Hard to find workers with the stomach for it.”

Essie tried to establish trust by comparing the body parts to archaeological finds. Jimmy wasn’t as polite, “Why have you been killing animals?” Essie interceded, “Now, now. We don’t want to jump to conclusions. Randolph, we were hoping you could tell us what you saw in the park before the police arrested you.” Randolph was defiant in his words and actions, “I already told the coppers. Now let me do my work.” For emphasis and taunt, he quickly spung around, slinging blood and gore around the room. Only Willoughby was hit. “Oh dear, I need to clean up. If you’ve please leave him to his work.” Jimmy “accidently” knocked over a tray of bloody bandages which made Peter dry-heave. “Oops. Clumsy me.” Even Essie was pissed as she warned, “Watch your back. Those officers believe you did it.” She handed him her card, “If you’d like to talk, just give me a call.” Randolph reached for the card and purposefully grabbed higher, bloodying her gloves. “Oops.” Essie pealed them off and left them on the floor.

Apartment: Once again, the hospital desk refused to give out information, “No, I can’t give you his address nor tell you when he gets off. You should have asked the director or the orderly himself.” Essie reached back to her old job and called the switchboard operator. It took some persuading and a little lying, “We recently broke up and I have thing to return to him that he left at my place.”

They arrived at the Broadmore Apartments (on Talon Street) and climbed the stairs to room 403. Peter knocked loudly. While no-one opened the door, room 407’s resident poked her head out. Peter flashed his badge, “Do you have a few minutes to talk to us about your neighbor?” She barely answered yes before Peter let himself into her apartment. Which let Jimmy get to work on the lock. Soon, Essie and Jimmy entered room 403, locking the door behind them. As expected, a small, single-room dwelling. Jimmy opened the window curtains to let in light while noticing the fire-escape ladder outside. He struggled but succeeded in opening the window just in case (stuck from years of layered dry paint).

Meanwhile, Peter learned of Randolph’s work schedule. “Early departure like me hubby. Rarely returns same hour of the night. Thin walls… can hear him mumbling nonsense late at night. Smells awful, he and his room!”

Meanwhile, Essie reminded her partner in crime, “Less mess as possible. We don’t want him to know we’ve been here.” Jimmy pulled the murphy-bed down and checked under the mattress while Essie checked the small kitchen. “Hey, take a look at this.” Essie showed off her find from a desk: ritualistic paraphernalia (idol, black candles, dagger). [failed POW- Demonomania] The idol looked too much like his fears… Jimmy grabbed the dagger for protection before he bolted out the window and down the fire escape! In his haste, he tipped the kitchen table, spilling the basket of fruit and vegetables.

Left alone to clean up the mess, Essie gathered everything to put back. And that’s when she found the 3 dark-amber glass vials. She opened one to smell… lightheaded, she stumbled out into the hallway where Peter found her. “Where’s Jimmy?” He helped her back into the room so he could inspect for himself. He pocketed the idol and other vials, “For evidence.” On a whim, he checked the frig… and found a cold (but not frozen yet) amputated arm. [POW check] Peter fought the revulsion as Essie asked him, “Are there any animal bodies in there too?” And that’s when a book fell off the top of the frig, titled Little Book of Satanism. Peter took that too as they left, locking the door behind them.

Police Station: They found Jimmy already inside the car, finally starting to calm down as Essie regained her senses. Essie bolted upright in the seat, “THE BASKET! Just like the ones Mr. Corbitt hands out! Do you suppose…” Peter parked in front of the police station. They inquired at the desk to learn, “Funny you should mention that. The couple that won the charity basket later reported a night filled with wild dreams. From the sound of it, I’d say they took some drugs.” Before leaving, Peter reported their own find, “You might want to put a tail on Randolph. We found evidence in his apartment. The man is into devil worship and from the looks of it, has been sacrificing animals for his rituals.”

Past noon, Corbitt’s house: “I think it’s time we ask your friendly neighbor what’s going on.” While Essie climbed the steps to knock on the door, the boys circled the house to the left. No surprise no-one answered the door, considering Bernard’s car wasn’t parked in the street. Essie wrote a note (When you have time, please stop over.) before she too circled the house. Meanwhile, Peter peeked into a rear window and noticed the empty dining room. Jimmy circled beyond the back porch to look into the kitchen window. By the time Essie arrived, Peter had a feeling, “Care to join me, checking out the garden?”

Jimmy opted to check the greenhouse by himself. The humidity felt refreshing for a cold March day. Rows and rows of potted plants greeted him. There were fruit trees and vegetable plants along with flowers of every description. Jimmy was no botanist, but the myriad of colorful flowers seemed like a treasure trove. He began gathering a collection. The orange vine with its large orange and blue leaves was definitely something enticing! And that plant with spiky blue-green leaves and large (fleshy white and purple) flowers HAD to be worth a steal! [Spot-hard, Natural World-fail, Dodge-extreme] Jimmy was careful to gently cut the stems… did that flower just turn? 

Jimmy looked at the bloom to his right that quivered at his face, as if staring! The fright saved him from the gas that spewed forth from the flower’s stigma!

Jimmy stumbled backwards before turning for the door. He collapsed before reaching it. It felt as if his head was splitting, being pulled in multiple directions. Soon, his vision cleared to the scene of a foreign landscape: two suns rose over the rocky, swampy terrain with towering mushroom-like structures all around. As if he a Lilliputian in Gulliver’s travels! 

[Sanity check] Jimmy recoiled at the sight of a snake coiled on the chest of a man whose skin was bloated with poisonous pustules. Jimmy quickly pulled the pin on one of his grenades, dropped the ‘pineapple’, and ran! “KA_BLOOIE!” Jimmy’s back was pelted by chunks of flesh and gore.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, Peter knelt in the garden and punched his fist into the cold mound of soil where rows and rows of vegetables were grown. Something clamped over his fist! Peter jerked out his hand and displayed a rotting ribcage. [Sanity check] Essie drew back, “Is that animal or human?!” [Archaeology, Medicine] “Both?” Peter continued to dig and soon unearthed more gristly remains. “Here’s a decaying skull, another ribcage, limbs. Anywhere from months to years old from the progress of decay. We need to tell Jimmy. See what he’s found.” They found Jimmy unconscious on the greenhouse floor. They pulled him out into the yard and cool air yet couldn’t revive him no matter how hard they slapped or pinched him or splashed water on his face.

Meanwhile, Jimmy was just about at the base of one of the towering mushrooms, when … [Sanity check] a HUGE 7ft tall spider (drawn by the explosion) rounded another mushroom stalk. Jimmy slowly pulled out his flare-gun and began to slowly back up. [Are you sure? Yeah, move to draw its attention.] With its 8 eyes, the spider sensed the motion and charged! Jimmy fired point-blank. The shell imbedded into the spider’s flesh where it began to glow red-hot. The spider thrashed at the wound trying to dislodge the burning casing. Jimmy ran for the nearest mushroom and was just about to step into the cavity when he heard the spider closing behind him. He could almost feel its sensory antenna touch him…

Jimmy sat up with a jolt and tried to crab-walk away from Essie and Peter, “Run, before it gets you too!” It was another minute before Jimmy gained his senses and reached for his face, “Ow! Why do my cheeks hurt?” And that’s when he felt the tingling sensation in the palms of his hand. He vaguely remembered the waxy feeling of the orange-vine stalk he had grabbed. [Toxins in the vine stimulated his pineal gland and opened his vision into the Dreamworld.] While Essie and Peter shuddered at the thought of Jimmy’s frightening dreams, Jimmy pondered the value of such drugs on the black-market. Till he remembered, “Where’s my grenade and flare-gun?! That was no dream… it really happened!”



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