96-00 if skill level is below 50%.

00 if skill level is 50% or higher.

SANITY: Fail of Sanity check, should result in some involuntary action (i.e. scream out-loud). If an investigator loses 5 or more Sanity points in a single Sanity roll, or 20% of his starting Sanity, he has suffered major emotional trauma. The player must make an intelligence (INT) check: roll above and they've blocked the image and carry on as normal. If they roll below or equal to, they fully understand what is happening...temporary insanity.

If your investigator is temporarily insane (1D10 hours), the Keeper gets to add a phobia or mania to your sheet (such as “fear of the dark”, “fear of confined spaces”, or “kleptomania, an irrational compulsion to steal things”), or amends one of your existing backstory entries. While temporarily insane, the Keeper may present your investigator with hallucinations. 


When you are confronted with the horror of the Mythos, it is generally a better idea to run away, or avoid confrontation altogether. 

Investigators have three combat skills: Fighting, Dodge and Firearms. 

You don’t get to “push” combat rolls—you simply attack next round. 

Every time you are attacked you may choose to fight back (attempt to avoid, block, or parry an attack while making one of your own) or dodge (attempt to avoid the attack completely). 

Both attacker and defender roll % dice and compare their levels of success:

  1. If you are fighting back use your Fighting skill: You need to achieve a higher level of success than your attacker. The best you can achieve fighting back is “regular” damage.
  2. If you are dodging a melee attack, use your Dodge skill. Your attacker needs to achieve a higher level of success than you.
  3. Diving-for-Cover (Make Dodge roll): Success - the attacker rolls with one penalty die. You forfeit your next attack this round or the next.
  4. It’s a simple matter: the winning side avoids receiving any damage and will inflict damage (unless dodging) on their opponent.

Attacks that achieve an extreme level of success deliver increased damage:

  1. Blunt weapons deal MAX damage + MAX damage bonus;
  2. Impaling weapons deal MAX weapon damage + MAX damage bonus plus an additional dice roll for the weapon’s damage (10 + 1D10 points of damage in the case of a handgun, for example). 

Fighting Maneuvers: disarm, push, knock over, eye-gouging, trip, etc.

  1. Decide outcome you want to achieve.
  2. Compare "builds"; for each point you are smaller, take a penalty die. If their build is 3 or more greater, you cannot make such maneuver.


When a character is outnumbered by the opposition, the character is at a disadvantage. Once a character has either fought back or dodged in the present combat round, all subsequent melee attacks on them are made with one bonus die. This does not apply to attacks made using firearms. 

Firearms Rules

  1. Readied firearms act at DEX +50 in the DEX turn order.
  2. If firing more than 1 shot from a handgun in one round, or firing semi-automatic, apply one penalty die to each shot.
  3. Firing a Thompson submachine gun (SMG) is described separately, below.
  4. If you are at point-blank range (within one-fifth of your DEX in feet), you gain one bonus die on each shot.

Impale: the attack does (Max Wpn Dam+Max Dam Bonus+roll Wpn Dam) 

Aiming (bonus die)

Declared on the character’s turn. The shot is taken on the same turn in the order of combat on the following round. If no other actions are taken before the shot is fired, the attacker’s gains one bonus die. If the aiming character takes damage or moves while aiming, the advantage of aiming is lost. 

Fast-Moving Targets (penalty die)

A target that is moving at full speed (MOV 8 or more) is hard to hit; apply one penalty die. 

Target Size (bonus or penalty die)

  1. Smaller targets (Build -2 or smaller): apply one penalty die.
  2. Larger targets (Build 4 or larger): apply one bonus die.

Reloading Firearms (possible penalty die)

It takes one combat round to load two shells into any handgun, rifle or shotgun. Allow one round to exchange a clip. Allow two rounds to change a machine gun belt. In a round, it is possible to put one round in a chamber and get that shot off with one penalty die. 

Firing into melee combat

Apply one penalty die when foe involved in melee combat. A fumble indicates an ally has been hit (lowest Luck if multiple allies). 

SMG- Rolling to hit with automatic fire (one pull of the trigger):

  1. First attack roll: apply the usual rules for a firearms attack roll (set difficulty by range and then apply any modifiers).
  2. Second and further attack rolls: add one penalty die (or remove a bonus die) for each additional attack roll. If this would incur three penalty dice, stick with two penalty dice and raise the difficulty level by one step (from Normal to Hard, Hard to Extreme, etc).

Examples with Jimmy having Thompson SMG 41 skill level:

Example 1- your target is in the clear at 20 yards which is the SMG base range:

  • Your first volley of 4 bullets is attempted without penalty die, thus hoping for at least a 41 result.
  • 2nd volley of 4 bullets is with 1 penalty die (taking worst result) still hoping for at least 41 on the die roll.
  • 3rd volley is with 2 penalty die for that elusive 41.
  • 4th volley: instead of adding another penalty die, you now need to achieve a Hard result (20) still rolling with 2 penalty die.
  • 5th volley: still 2 penalty die, but now need an extreme (8) just to hit.
  • Sounds like that 4th and 5th volley were just wasted bullets with very unlikely chance to hit. Maybe you only wanted to declare firing 8-10 rounds.
  • And not stated in the rules, but my interpretation, with each volley miss you expend more bullets (1-4 depending how badly you missed), depleting your clip faster. So, you could run out of bullets before that 4th/5th volley.

Example 2- your target has partial cover at 20 yards (or target fast moving within 20 yards, or target in clear but at 21-40 yards away) which itself makes you start with a penalty die:

  • 1st volley with a penalty die,
  • 2nd volley with 2 penalty die,
  • 3rd volley with 2 penalty and needing a Hard result.
  • You get the idea for the rest…

Example 3- Conversely, target is in clear at 10 yards (which is one-fifth your DEX 50 score) which is point-blank range which provides a bonus die. Or target is huge (4 times your size) equals bonus die:

  • 1st volley with bonus,
  • 2nd volley no bonus.
  • 3rd volley with one penalty,
  • 4th volley with 2 penalty…

Resolving each attack roll:

1.   If successful: half of the shots fired hit the target—roll damage for half of the shots. Subtract any armor from each shot.

2.   If an Extreme success: all shots fired hit the target, the first half (round down, minimum of one) of which impale. Subtract any armor from each shot.

3.   As for all firearm attacks, if the difficulty level of the shot was Extreme, the best possible result is a successful hit and not an impale.

Hit Points, Wounds, and Healing

Hit points cannot fall below zero, so do not record a negative value. When a character’s hit points reach zero, he or she falls unconscious and, in some situations, may die. 

Instant Death: If a character suffers points of damage greater than or equal to their maximum hit points in a single blow, they die instantly. 

Major Wound: When a character takes damage of greater than or equal to half their full hit points in a single blow, they must make a CON roll or fall unconscious. If a character with a major wound falls to zero hit-points they are close to death (Dying). He or she must make a successful CON roll at the end of the following round and every round thereafter or die. Only successful use of the First Aid skill can alleviate the Dying condition.

1.   Characters without a major wound heal 1 hit point per day.

2.   Characters with a major wound make a healing roll (using CON) at the end of each week—if successful, they regain 1D3 hit points, or 2D3 for an extreme success.

3.   Major wound is removed when either: Extreme success, or heal above 1/2 original HP. 

First Aid can heal 1 hit point. Only one attempt per wound event. 

Medicine can heal 1D3 hit points but takes at least one hour and appropriate equipment and supplies. Only one attempt per wound event.


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