Cthulhu: Quick-Fire Character Creation.homebrew

1.       Understanding the characteristic numbers:

a.       A value of 50 is average.

b.       STR+SIZ determine your damage bonus (how hard you hit),


Damage Bonus


85 — 124



125 — 164



165 — 204



c.       CON+SIZ determine your HP (health): HP = (CON+SIZ)/10

d.       DEX/STR/SIZ determine how fast you move (“I only have to be faster than the slowest guy.”)

If both DEX and STR are each less than SIZ:


If either STR or DEX is equal to or greater than SIZ, or if all three are equal:


If both STR and DEX are each greater than SIZ:


e.       POW = Sanity (how well you can withstand the horrors you witness).

f.        POW divided by 5 = MP (Magic Points, if you ever get access/knowledge of spells; rare).

g.       A 50 in EDU (Education) is a high-school diploma. Anything higher can be college, apprenticeship, etc.

2.       Characteristics

a.       Allocate the values (80, 70, 60, 60, 50, 50, 50, 40) among (STR, CON, DEX, APP, SIZ, INT, EDU, POW).

b.       Distribute another 15 points now to improve one or more Characteristic values.

c.       Start with Luck = 50. Luck can be spent in-game to adjust a die-roll to achieve success.

3.       Social Skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate, Persuade)- edit the default base values accordingly (round up):

a.       Set Charm to one-third of your APP.

b.       Set Persuade and Fast Talk to one-third of your INT.

c.       Set Intimidate to one-third of your SIZ or STR.

4.       Strength and Dexterity related Skills (adjust the base value accordingly):

1)      Set Climb, Throw, and Swim to 50% of your STR.

2)      Set Dodge, Jump, and Stealth to 50% of your DEX.

5.       Determine/Decide Occupation

a.       Identify 8 skills that define your occupation.

b.       Distribute the following points (50, 40, 35, 30, 30, 25, 20, 20) to the base value of those 8 Occupational Skills.

6.       Personal Interests

a.       Ancestry: Are you generational American or your parents recent ‘Ellis Island’ immigrants?

1)      Your parents’ country-of-origin is your basic language. Enter that Language with value = EDU.

2)      If an immigrant, English is your 2nd language at 50% of your basic language.

b.       Pick FOUR non-occupational skills and boost them by 20 points each.

·         You can include the Social and Strength/Dexterity related skills in this adjustment if desired.

c.       Allocate another 40 points any way you want.

d.       Coordinate with the GM for the opportunity to spend another 40 skill points.

1)      Were you a Great War veteran? You could spend those points on soldier-related skills.

2)      Did you go to college on a sporting (football, baseball, boating, track+field, etc.) scholarship?

3)      Where you in any college clubs? Debate team, Photography, etc.

4)      Did you study additional languages or sciences?

7.       In all, you should have distributed 250 Occupational points and 160 (4x20, 40, 40) Personal Interest points. 

8.       Credit Rating:

a.       Decide your Age. Your Credit Rating equals 75% of your age unless your background defines otherwise.

b.       CR determines the lifestyle, travel, and expenses you can afford on a day-to-day basis.

Credit Rating



Daily Spending

Penniless (CR 0 or less)




Poor (CR 1-9)

CR x 1 ($1 - $9)

CR x 10 ($10 - $90)


Average (CR 10-49)

CR x 2 ($20 - $98)

CR x 50 ($500 - $2450)


Wealthy (CR 50-89)

CR x 5 ($250 - $445)

CR x 500 ($25,000 - $44,500)


Rich (CR 90-98)

CR x 20 ($1800 - $1960)

CR x 2000 ($180,000 - $196,000)


Super Rich (CR 99)




c.       Your “Assets” would determine if you own a car or house or are just renting. Also, savings and investments.

d.       “Cash” would determine how much cash you can come up with in a hurry (bank withdrawal?).

·         “Cash” limits the equipment you can purchase pre-game and in-game.

9.       My Story (fluff)- Provide a little background info about your growing up.

10.   Create your Backstory (Description, Beliefs, Significant People, Locations, Traits).

·         Injuries/Scars, Phobias/Manias, Tones/Spells, Encounters will come from gameplay.

11.   Equip your character with appropriate occupation/personal Gear/Possessions.

·         Let me know why you want/have, and I’ll provide the related info (i.e. weapon damage, etc.).

12.   Once I have a copy of your character-sheet, I will work with you to add a little more ‘flavor’. I’ll reference tables in a separate publication (Heinrich’s Call of Cthulhu Guide) per your background events to have you roll (1D20, 1D100, etc.) to tables to see what transpired.

a.       If you were a veteran of the Great War, maybe you incurred an injury, prisoner, or picked up a Language, etc.

b.       Maybe roll for childhood or adulthood or college events.

c.       One table result could reference another that even exposes you to mythos horror before gameplay!

13.   Finally, I’ll have you select/check 5 skills. They don’t have to be just from the Occupational skills. They could include anything, even physical skills (climb, jump, stealth, etc.). Read why below that might guide you in your selection:

a.       After the scenario is complete, you get to level-up your character by rolling for improvement in those areas you checked as tested and/or succeeded.

b.       From your selection of 5 skills pre-selected, you get to check one as if you succeeded, even if you never attempted it or even failed.

c.       Thus, maybe don’t select a skill you know you will always be attempting. Then again, maybe do for the off chance you kept failing the roll.

14.   The Level-Up process is described in another page link on the blog website. I will email you specifics after each scenario is completed.


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