Here are example Reward questions and results:

1.   Do you gain Mythos?

a.   Did you encounter Mythos creature?

b.   Did you cast spells?

2.   Scenario specific gains:

a.   Monetary? Was there a reward offer?

b.   Credit Rating? Maybe you gained notoriety and thus improved work status.

c.    Sanity? You may gain +1D4, +1D6, or more, depending on what you faced.

3.   Luck: We will start using a modified Pulp Cthulhu Rules version. Roll Luck improvement as if a skill:

·         Fail and you gain: 2D6+5     [This has changed since the first introduction]

·         Pass and you only gain: 1D6+5     [This has changed since the first introduction]

Occupation Skills - Per your 5 identified skills associated with your occupation:

·         Select one skill from that list of 5 and check it as if successfully tested.

·         You will roll for level-up on that skill as described below.

Leveling Up (those skills marked with a dot or checkmark):

1.   Dots for failed attempt: As long as that skill is < 25%, add 2 points (learn thru failure).

2.   Checkmark for successful results: If a bonus-die was included in the roll, only put the checkmark if your original die was the success, not for the bonus die.

3.   For each checkmark, roll hoping to fail. Fail, and you increase the value per below bracket. Success and you gain nothing:

a. (0-49): roll 1d10 and add the result to the skill.

b. (50-74): roll 1d8 and add the result to the skill.

c.  (75-99+): roll 1d6 and add the result to the skill.



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