The Mind's Eye.P1
The Mind's Eye (In a Different Light), by Dean Engelhardt
Essie Vance [Whitney], Peter Graves [Jordan], Phillip Vance [Aaron]
Recap: Aboard the HMS Adriatic, bringing the body of Henry
Stanley home to his mother, Helen. They encountered serpentfolk bent on
consuming Joseph Taft to get one of their own in a position of power within the
human race.
April, 1922:
During those last days, they cabled ahead (per ship’s telegram operator) to let
Mrs. Stanley know of their projected arrival. On Thursday, the ship docked at
Boston’s Harbor for unloading. Peter and Essie signed for Stanley’s casket and escorted
it to the waiting hearse. Meanwhile, Phillip escorted the Beaumont’s thru immigration
as their sponsor. Thus, it was almost 5 hours before all gathered and hailed a
cab for the hour drive north to Arkham.
Sunday, April 23rd: At Helen’s insistence and Essie’s gracious acceptance,
they all attended Henry Stanley’s 2pm funeral service at the Hangman Hill
Cemetery. Except things delayed. Helen approached Essie, “My brother Michael
is late as usual. Do you think one of your friends would mind filling in as
pallbearer?” Phillip got volunteered. He nervously held on to the casket bar as
he shuffled along with the other 5 men toward the open grave. Sweat formed on
his brow as Phillip envisioned the casket falling and out rolling Henry’s body
along with the possible real remains of Joseph Taft hidden away by those
serpent trio from the encounter crossing the Atlantic.
was close to 4pm when they joined the wake held at Helen’s house. Peter thought
attending the funeral was enough; so, he sat on the front porch to brood in
private with smoke and drink in hand. And occasional nodded at new arrivals to the
wake. All strangers to him. Inside, Phillip politely stood and nodded at the
random mourner looking his way. He only spoke/interacted when he had to. Essie
was more engaged as she helped Helen refill the food dishes while telling all
who asked about Henry’s train enthusiasm in England. She remembered some of the
details Henry spouted.
perked up when he heard distant police sirens that seemed to grow louder. And
saw beat cops walking across the street as if searching the brush. Meanwhile,
Essie escorted Helen into the kitchen to retrieve more food and drinks when she
heard a noise out back. The rattle of trashcans and mumbling. She cracked open
the rear door and peeked out to see the back of a man paused near the cans. “Excuse
me, are you lost? Need help?”
loudly gasped in fright when the man turned around: his eyes a bloody mess. His
eyes missing as had been scratched out! Yet the man not in pained expression;
rather, calming staring at her. Directly at her! Helen stepped to the door in
wonder what was going on… “MICHAEL? Oh God, Michael, what happened?!” Phillip
heard Essie’s raised voice and came to investigate. He too gasped in fright.
Meanwhile, Peter stood and stomped out his cigarette as him now curious about
the beat cops who suddenly crossed the street and ran toward the back of Helen’s
house. He too heard the commotion and followed the cops.
drawn to Michael’s missing eyes, they failed to notice him wearing a
straight-jacket. Ceaseless muttering, “Huge…stars…living…waiting…waiting…”
When the 3 police officers arrived thru the back gate, 2 lead Michael away
restrained while the other (sergeant) reassured the now gathered crowd. “Everything
is under control folks. Please return inside and let us do our business.”
[Persuade] Peter did not recognize the officers from his days on the force. He pulled
out his expired police badge (versus his PI badge) and asked them for details.
Sgt Brown quietly whispered, “Michael Farr. Escaped from the ambulance carrying
him from St Mary’s hospital to the Sanitarium.”
had to hold onto the door frame, she so distraught as she wailed in tears.
First her son dead, now brother mutilated. She looked at the trio who seemed best
able to handle themselves, “PLEASE! Find out what happened to my brother!”
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