The 19th Hole.P1

The 19th Hole.P1

10am Thursday, June 12, 1924: Another Arthur has gone missing from his Thistledown golf course, northeast of Danvers. Dissatisfied that the local police haven’t found him, Arthur’s wife Crystal McMillan tasks the valet Gordon to find Private Investigators. Gordon remembers the newspaper article about a Vance Detective Agency finding another Arthur and thus gives Peter a call.


Hoplomania: unhealthy obsession with firearms.

Demonomania: fear demons behind doors.


Pseudomania: compulsion to lie.

Apotemnophobia: fear of people with amputations.


Basophobia: fear of falling.

Geliomania- compulsion to laugh.


Hypnophobia: fear of sleep or being hypnotized.

Eisoptrophobia: fear of mirrors. 

Marina stepped into Peter's office, "Phone call from Mr. Kilburn." "Mr. Graves? I saw your name in the papers, about you finding a missing man. I could use your help in a similar case. My master, Arthur McMillan has gone missing since Monday. Maybe you read about it in your local papers since he is a member of the wealthy society. His wife, Crystal McMillan is offering a $50 reward since the bumbling local police stopped pursuing the matter." 

After copying the address, Peter hung up and called the others. He left a message for Essie who was working as a volunteer teacher at the local elementary school. Claude relayed the news that his boss (Richie) was at the library doing research. The bouncer told how his boss was indisposed. In truth, Jimmy was in his office polishing his latest purchase: 2 pearl handled Luger pistols made of gold.

Peter used the delay to find today's newspaper and read about Arthur McMillan's disappearance. When the team finally got together, [CR 00] Richie didn't know of the wealthy man. They packed for a 2-day case before hitting the road around 3pm, "Don't want the trail to go cold."

Crown Wood Hall: They arrived after 5pm, driving down the long one-mile private driveway. As the others approached the main house, Peter turned his attention to the barn/garage, where he saw legs sticking out from underneath a car. Peter Craig (groundskeeper/mechanic) quickly rolled out to confront the man kicking his feet. It was a pleasant standoff of a raised wrench versus a displayed pistol holster. So much for establishing a contact as the PI accused the man as a suspect, before he turned to join the others inside. 

Lance (aka Jimmy) became the spokesman as Gerald Keating (butler) led them into the sitting room as he excused himself to fetch Gordon Kilburn (Mr. McMillan's valet). Soon Gordon escorted Mrs. Crystal McMillan down the stairs. Richie stepped forward to kiss her hand and introduced himself and the others in French. She brightened, "So glad you came so quickly. Those bumbling police think Arthur wandered off into the woods, but I know better." Essie read her worried expression. She soon learned she'd been having restless nights and dreams, "I've seen him in the house. He's tried to talk but I can't hear him." Essie assured her the team would find him.  

Their conversation was interrupted by Peter asking for staff records, to imply someone suspected of foul play. That only distressed Crystal more to which Essie apologized, "He's rude but thorough. We each have a role to play." Peter nodded at them as he lit a cigar. 

Learning Arthur went missing Monday at the golf course, Richie asked for details of the incident. Gordon directed them, "Mr. Cameron Nairn (foreman) can best answer that. You can probably find him and the laborers at the local Queens Head Pub just down the road. We closed the course till Arthur is found." 

Gerald was already carrying their bags inside, "If you'll follow me, the maids are getting your rooms ready. Dinner is at 6:30 if you need to freshen up." 

Richie followed Audry Grant (housekeeper) into the kitchen to make drinks and small talk. Lance followed Gerald upstairs where he met the young maids (Theresa & Katie). He soon was charming them to earn blushes and news that Theresa found 2 crumpled papers in Arthur's office trash, " One was some kind of ledger. The other was addressed to a Cameron who made excuses for his workers complaining of constant headaches on-site and thus falling ill, which delays the golf course work." 

Peter & Essie searched the downstairs office. While Lance heard it 2nd hand, they found the mentioned papers. But while reading, they heard a scratching sound that grew louder. As they got closer, the noise stopped. Etched in the desktop was "h e". Essie jumped at the thought, "Crystal is right! Arthur is here asking for help." Peter downplayed it, "Just mice in the walls. You just happened to find this old carving and jumped to conclusions." 

After dinner, nearing dusk, they excused themselves to visit the pub 10 minutes down the road. Richie was first in and at the bar ordering drinks, "Does Arthur McMillan normally partake?" His associates noticed other patrons perk up at the mention of Arthur; so, Peter led the way to pull up a chair with them. "Barkeep, another round over here." 

The men questioned if they were the PIs Mrs. McMillan hired. Peter surprised all, "We're health inspectors. We heard some workers are ill. We think it might be black mold." The men perked up, "Is that deadly?! What other symptoms? Yes, I've been hallucinating; swear I saw an insect man in the clubhouse bathroom.  Heard muffled voices.  Cameron, come listen to what these folks are saying." 

The workers lined up for Peter and Dr Richie to inspect spots on their necks and back, "What is it doc? Will I live?" In a thick Irish accent, Cameron asked if they'd seen the PIs, "Mr. Kilburn told me to give them the keys to the golf course." Peter provided the distraction as Lance lifted the keys. 

10pm: By the time they returned to Crow Wood Hall, most everyone were already in bed. Peter and Essie retired to their own bedrooms. Restless (afraid of sleep), Richie stayed outside to walk it off. Soon Lance arrived with the young maids and drinks in tow. His Italian whisper "Don't screw this up" was ignored as Richie asked Katie about her superstitions. 

"Have you heard about 'Black Jamie’, a dog as big as a horse? I seen em just like Mrs. McMillan swears she sees her husband wandering the halls." Richie remembered reading about such supernatural beast:

And that's when they heard a crash in the woods behind them. "IT'S HIM!" Lance sneered at Richie before chasing Theresa back inside. Katie pulled at Richie's sleeve as he wanted to investigate. One step forward and she turned tail back to the house. Richie reluctantly followed her. 

Morning: Theresa snuck out of Lance's room before sunrise. She acted innocent come breakfast. Except Mrs. McMillan was absent. Essie intercepted Audry about to bring meds to calm her, "More dreams." Delivering the meds herself, Essie knocked and entered to find Crystal kicking her sheets off. At least that's what it looked like. Except kicked sheets would go up... these were pulled off from the end of her bed! Essie rushed forward to assure Crystal, "I saw it too! Arthur IS here. We saw his scratched plea for help in his office." 

Meanwhile, over breakfast, the others asked the staff what they had seen around the manor. [Fast Talk] Lance told a troubled-looking Gordon about his own experiences to get the valet to open up. "I have to admit I've also seen ghostly imagines of Mr. McMillan." As for Peter: he was already outside, under the same car Craig had been working on yesterday. 



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