Sanitorium (Essie, Peter, Jimmy, Riche)
noon Wednesday, Feb 13th, 1924: Dr.
Harold Tiller (MU Medical Dept), asked Essie to bring her team in. He rose from
his desk, displaying his leg in a cast, “I’m so glad you could come. Dr.
Armitage speaks highly of us. As you can see, I’m temporarily hobbled. Anyway,
my good friend, Dr. Aldous Brewer asked for my presence at his North Island
Sanitorium to help verify his research. Dr. Brewer is a brilliant
(yet unorthodox) medical Doctor-of-Psychology who recently published an article
about his work. While he stipulated in the article his findings are purely
speculative at this point (requires more experimental testing), two other psychologists
have lambasted him in that same magazine. While my friend asked for me, I was
hoping with your acclaimed investigative results, you could stand in for me and verify Dr. Brewer’s
Per Essie’s request, Harold dug into his desk and produced
both the invite letter and Dr. Brewer’s
response to doctors Hagan and Allen who scoffed at his research. “Aldous sent
his yacht to pick me up. Pardon me, but with the boat leaving at 2pm, I
telephoned the harbormaster to say that you would take my place. You can meet
Captain Ebenezer at pier 234. You are looking for The Lady Amanda. Thanks
again.” Before leaving, Essie asked Dr. Tiller for a book on addiction culture.
With Bessie in the shop, Claude drove them around in the
limo. First stop: Northside speakeasy. Frankie (bouncer) gave his boss a queer look
as Jimmy took 2 bottles of whiskey. Jimmy placed his ‘violin’ case in the trunk
along with his suitcase. Richie also asked for 2 bottles, “Of your finest.”
Peter leaned over and asked the bartender for a box of cigars. “Anything for a
friend of the boss.”
2pm, Pier 234: Jimmy was already
drinking (Hydrophobia- fear of water) when they pulled up to the docks. The
others had to help him aboard as he then dashed inside the hold. Captain Ebenezer
laughed at the “crazy landlubber.” Peter found a seat in the back and began
leaving his own trail of smoke as the yacht set sail. Essie excused herself to
aid Jimmy: inside, she found him wearing 2 life-vests with the shades drawn
closed on all the portholes! Topside, Riche sided up to the captain and
presented a bottle with glasses. Ebenezer drank straight from the bottle. Riche
poured himself a glass and pretended to drink as he chatted, “What can you tell
us about the island and Dr, Brewer’s hospital?”
Ebenezer laid on a thick New England mariner accent,
“This here is the doctor’s boat, named after his late wife, Amanda. Died during
labor years ago with their first and only child. He’s been on the island for nearly
5 years now. I’ve sailed these waters for him from the beginning. Comfy job… still
miss the high seas.” He mindlessly spun tales seen at sea (mermaids) and
foreign ports, grueling treks thru jungles (fantastic temples), etc. Richie
caught a glance of the captain’s necklace (Occult: Elder Sign). Ebenezer
explained, “Me old sailing mate give me this. Said it would protect me from
evil. Ain’t kept me from the bottle; so, must not be working. You want it? How
much? Ha, over me dead body.”
4:00pm, Island Dock: Clear weather and
calm seas: they made good time as they got their first look at the hospital
atop the island. And the long flight of stone steps that spanned the 100ft
climb to the top. Ebenezer tied off the boat, “How long you staying? No more
than a week? Anyway, haul yerself up
the steps and I’ll send the groceries up the lift. You can grab them up there.
I’ll send your luggage after I secure the boat in its shed (protect against
weather). Richie stayed to help but mostly to try once more for the necklace. Rejected
again, he climbed the steps empty handed.
Jimmy tried to sober up by eating some groceries before
leaving the boat. Didn’t help his climb: the waves slapping the rocky coast,
seabirds swooping and squawking overhead, Jimmy began to hyperventilate. At least
Essie was at his side and ready to distract him, “Just look at the steps ahead.
Block out the noise and salty smell.” Once at the top, Jimmy let the others
collect the groceries at the lift. “I ain’t getting on another boat!” Peter was
kind to point out, “Then how do you plan to get home?”
Figuring Ebenezer would be awhile with their luggage, they
stepped up to the front door and knocked. A delayed response, “Hold your
horses…I’m coming!” Essie kindly replied, “Take your time.” As the door creaked
open, almost simultaneously, a man rushed at her from the bushes nearby,
screaming, “Evil, all women are evil. Bringer of the evil one!” Blanche was just
about to scold the man when: Jimmy (fear of demons lurking behind doors; this
one got out) raised his letter-opener and stabbed the assailant. Blanche was
shocked, “What have you done? Leonard is off his meds. He’s been a
patient ever since he got away from his horrible wife who treated him like
dirt. Help him to the library while I go wake Dr. Brewer from his nap.” Richie
rushed to treat the man while Jimmy just stood calmly wiping the blade on his
shoulder. [First Aid] Richie admitted, “I can only stop the bleeding. My
medical bag is with our luggage. Help me carry him to the library to lay him
Library: Darlene protested their interruption, “Shhh!
This is a library! Don’t wake the nurse sleeping next door.” Richie eased
Leonard into a chair to continue working on him. Jimmy began searching for
anything valuable or important amongst the floor-to-ceiling book racks. Peter
and Essie whispered apologies, “Sorry for the noise. There’s been an accident.”
Essie noticed Darlene reading an illustrated copy of Dante’s Inferno. Peter
perked up, “There’s a nurse next door? Maybe she can help Leonard.” As Peter
reached for the door, Jimmy recoiled in fear, “There’s evil behind it!” Darlene
spoke up, “You sound just like Leonard. Are you related? Checking yourself in
as a patient?”
Livingroom: The room was a mess: objects
knocked from end tables. Peter called out but only heard silence. He noticed
the white-stocking legs extending from a couch… when he got closer: he saw the
large puddle of blood stains on the carpet. [Sanity check] And the scissors were still
embedded in nurse Ames’
eye! He instinctively drew his pistol as he called the others. No forewarning,
such that they too suffered sanity threat. Richie immediately suspected Darlene
but realized there was no blood-splatter on her. “I think we need to call
Blanche.” Darlene spoke up, “What do you need another patient for?” [Sanity] Sudden realization Blanche was a patient! Darlene followed them out. [She went upstairs.]
Ground/1st Floor Patient Rooms:
Blanche had locked the double-doors behind her on her way to find Dr. Brewer.
Peter tried to shoulder them open. Richie handed his rosary to Jimmy to calm
his nerves so he could pick the lock. [Sanity check] More fright when they
found nurse Bobby
at a desk with his neck broken! Jimmy quickly barred the doors behind them, “Don’t
want to let the demons in!” Peter found flashlights in the storage room. “Blanche?
Are you here? Dr. Brewer?” These rooms seemed of nicer fixtures: probably
patients from moneyed families.
[1] First door on the left with Blanche’s name but she was not
[4] Per the name on the door, Peter yelled at the man
sleeping, “Henry Barber!”
Henry rose with a fright, revealing his women’s clothing as he nervously asked,
“Where are the nurses with my meds?” Peter offered (and lost) his whiskey flask,
“Get some sleep while we find them for you.” Peter locked the door on his way
[2] Colonel
Billings stood in his room waving his make-believe saber at the
enemy, “Keep at em boys, we got them rebs on the run. Bull Run is about to be
ours! I said, stand your ground! They’re re-grouping to charge!” Jimmy called
thru the window to the Yankee officer, “Reporting for duty, sir.” The colonel resumed
his Civil War orders for a lost cause.
Richie saw the partially open doors at the end of the hall
and went for it. He almost slipped on something slimy on the floor. His skid
marks revealed slightly burned wood flooring. A trail of the slime led to and through
the doors ahead.
[5] Essie was the first to find Phillip Vance’s room. Empty.
Signs of a struggle and a few blood smears.
[3] They found Mrs. Randolph sitting in her chair looking out the window,
commenting, “Bats are flying around outside!” Essie interrupted her, “Have you
seen Phillip?” The woman responded, “Sweet boy. I think Charles took him up
for his treatments.”
Laundry: Richie gasped when he found the maid (nametag
Melba) lying
on the floor with her back against the dryer. Barely breathing… eyes wide in
shock. [Sanity] Most disturbing was her legs… shriveled as if flattened by a
roller or sucked dry by a vacuum. Richie exited out back, through the doorway
that was now completely broken open. The door lay flat in the grass, the
doorframe busted wide open. “Something BIG and strong must have caused this!”
He just left. No warning to the others…
Jimmy was already halfway through the laundry room when he
saw Melba. Without a door as hindrance, he hurried out to catch up with Richie.
{Sanity] Essie broke out in laughter at the sight of Melba. Peter recoiled at
the sight, but then remembered… a year ago and the sight of dead cows also
shriveled (
He knelt beside Melba, trying to comfort her in her last moments, “What
happened? What caused this?” He barely heard her dying words. “Did she say Buba
or bubbles?”
Outside: Richie noticed the dead cat
beside the doorframe: it withered and shriveled; sucked dry. A 3-4 ft wide trail
of dead/blackened plant life (to include roasted insects) angled left towards the
trees. Richie continued to the cabin, “Capetan! Do you have our luggage?” Jimmy
paused at the cat-body, “Sorry Whiskers.” He drew his tommy-gun and joined
Richie. Captain Ebenezer’s cabin proved to be empty. Peter and Essie confirmed
Melba’s quarters also empty.
Essie (Peter followed) went back inside to Mrs. Randolph’s
room, “You must have heard the laundry doors being knocked down.” The woman paused
from watching out her window, “Probably just Melba overloading the washer. I thought
I heard her dragging something (a heavy laundry bag?) through the hallway
before what sounded like the washer rattling with such a noise. What time is it?
I missed lunch. Be a dear, can you tell the staff I need to eat and need my
meds. They keep them upstairs, in the doctor’s office.”
Meanwhile, Richie and Jimmy walked to the front of the hospital,
looking for the boat captain. No luggage at the lift… what was taking the
captain so long to unload the boat? Jimmy stayed back while Richie went to the
cliff edge. He saw the boat half submerged! Scuttled! Poor angle to see the
docks. Jimmy could read the tension on Richie’s face, “I told you! No more
boats!!” They quickly re-entered the hospital through the front door and went
directly to the double-doors. Locked! (by Jimmy). They banged on the doors, “Let
us in!”
5pm (nearing sunset): Essie and Peter
were just about to go upstairs to find the doctors and meds when they heard the
banging on the double doors. And heard their partners yelling. Now what?
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