Failed Prospects.P1
Playtest of "Failed Prospects"; created by a team of ITD (Into the Darkness) members.
Intro: During
the summer break of 1923, Dr.
William Baker (Paleontology Dept Head at Miskatonic University) tried to relieve
his boredom by trolling the museum basement’s uncatalogued fossil collection. One
particular fossil marked as found in South Dakota piqued his interest and renewed
his ‘itch’ for field work. Thus, it was Oct 1st when his team of professors
and students waved goodbye as they boarded the train bound for West Haven, SD.
Friday, Oct 12th: Dr.
Baker’s campus secretary (Joanne Smythe) signed for the telegram and pondered
the request. She contacted Professor Tarsh, “You’re the most senior
paleontologist. Care to form a team to join Dr. Baker?” Randall immediately
thought of the elder archaeology professor Robbins, “I hope he’s not too
hobbled.” Marty suggested one of his Geology students, Hugh, “If nothing else
he’s strong as a mule. That’s him on the track field throwing the discus.” Hugh
suggested Charlie as photographer to document the dig, “That’s him running the 100
meters. Careful, don’t go across the field else you get speared by the javelin
throwers.” The last member was Barbara, found at the library. Although a
journalist, she didn’t cover sporting events, “Too much testosterone and not
enough brains.”
Tarsh [Jon]:
35yo Professor of Paleontology. Grew up
on a Colorado farm where he learned to appreciate Horticulture. Delved in a
short boxing career marred by too many knockouts (of himself). Heavy drinker.
2nd career in Paleontology; now educator at MU. |
‘Marty’ Robbins [Jordan]:
59yo Prof of Archaeology. Large corn-fed Texan (broad shoulders, muscular,
6’2” 288lbs). Walks
with a slight limp from the war. Mechanic prior to the war where he served as
engineer/mechanic. Pursued his love of Archaeology, becoming a professor at
Arkham to be near his granddaughter Sarah. |
Hugh Johnson [Graham]: 30yo Geology student. (enormous and lurches, 6'5" 307lbs) Grew up on a
farm till called to service in Great War as artillery gunner. Entered college
on an athletic scholarship (track and field-discus) while pursuing degree in Geology
appropriate for farming (topography and soil conditions). |
Barbara Malters [Whitney]: 21yo student Investigative Journalist. Obsessed with
uncovering the truth, longing to write the next BIG story. She's nosy,
inquisitive and at times, annoying. But never deterred as she seeks
accountability as she feels cursed with feeling misled at times. |
Charlie Stutz [Aaron]: 21yo student
Photographer. Always enjoyed the outdoors
and thus his pictures tends to be landscapes. Entered college on an athletic
scholarship (track and field-runner) while pursuing photography
degree to learn angle, framing,
lighting, and perspective. Smoker. |
Saturday evening: Randall and Barbara headed to the library to research anything written about Dr. Baker’s excursion.
They found the list of team members and even a map of the South Dakota destination along with pictures of the team boarding the outbound train. Meanwhile, the others headed to the museum basement to find the fossil that piqued Baker’s interest. “Sorry, but Dr. Baker checked it out.” They found Joanne still at her desk making travel arrangements for the supplemental team. She directed them to Baker’s desk, “He uses it as his new paperweight.” Marty handled the fossil and was also intrigued, “Interesting! Looks like a forelimb. From an archaeologist perspective, I’d say almost supporting of a 4th digit. Aren’t most dinosaurs 3-toed?” Charlie took a picture for future reference. Hugh pondered the idea of pocketing the thing. Could Marty read his mind? Something deterred the student’s pilfering idea.
Marty called the library to get all gathered at Joanne’s desk. Randall was also excited to handle the fossil, “I’d guess from the Jurassic period. Joanne, did Baker have you type any notes about his thoughts and plans?”
She showed him the letter Baker sent thru the mail, “One of his students must have copied from his field notes. I don’t know if he plans to send more at regular intervals or dump on me all at once when he returns.” Randall spoke aloud the “Coelurosaur” comment in the letter. Barbara pulled out one of the paleontology books she’d checked out from the library and tried to look up the referenced dinosaur.
Prof Tarsh saved her the trouble, “Coelurosaur:
hollow-tailed lizard. Precursor to birds if not to mankind. At least that’s the
theory, right Professor Robbins?”
Obviously, Randall (and probably Marty
too) was VERY interested as he asked Joanne, “Why does Dr. Baker say no earlier
than the 19th? We could leave Monday.” Joanne could only guess, “He
must have his reasons. Besides, it’s going to take time to find someone to
cover your classes, arrange permission for your students to miss classes. You
still need to gather your gear/supplies and I need to purchase train tickets
and coordinate hotel rooms. Earliest I could get you out is maybe Wednesday, 17th
and it’s a 2-day train ride.”
Wednesday, 17 Oct, All Aboard: Marty
was the first at the station, followed by Barbara and Charlie. Randall
staggered (hungover) into view right at the stroke of 0900, propped up by his
Geology student Hugh (who’d had a few himself). They settled into their coaches
for the long westward trek. Randall used cotton stuffed in his ears in the failed
attempt to drown out the “clickity-clack, clickity-clack” repetition of the iron
wheels on rails. Hugh stood at the train’s bar and soon learned how to hold his
high-ball without spilling his drink per the rhythmic bounce along the tracks.
Barbara sat in her room and researched her paleontology books to gain key words
for her journalistic coverage. Charlie busied himself taking pictures of
various scenes of their travel. Over the course of the 2-day travel, the scenery
slowly changed from the regular interval of urban towns and farmlands and the
northern tip of the Appalachian Mountains to the Great Lake shores around
Chicago to then evolve into the rural space of nothingness known as the
mid-west (open country and encroaching forests dotting with a few homes and
Thursday, 6pm, Welcome to West Haven: It was
near dusk when the train wheels screeched as the brakes applied. Steam hissed
from the boiler and sparks arched from the wheels as the train slowed to a
stop. The pullman exited to set a step on the platform, “Welcome to West Haven,
folks. Enjoy your stay.” To the south, they could hear the constant drone of
saws from a nearby lumbermill. The smell of fresh-cut timber confirmed the
source of the hum. Randall exited with blood-shot eyes, while Barbara let the
pullman assist her as she stepped to the train station to gather a map of the
town. Charlie flicked his cigarette butt as he exited. Hugh followed as they
walked the gravel road north per the map. Meanwhile, Marty slowly woke from his slumber and was the last to leave and to tip a quarter, “If you’ll have our
luggage and equipment delivered to the Penman Hotel. Now, where can I get
a meal?” Leaning on his cane, Marty made a beeline for the diner.
Meanwhile, Randall was startled by two
boys dressed in matching uniforms, “Can we take your bags? I’m George. He’s
Ernest.” Only then did they remember “Our gear! Yes boys, if you’ll kindly
gather our luggage and equipment.” They found Mary Penman behind the hotel reception
desk, “Welcome to West Haven. We weren’t expecting you till tomorrow.
Thankfully your secretary Mrs. Smythe called to give us notice.” She was caught
off guard when Randall requested separate rooms, “Mrs. Smythe only reserved 3
rooms as she expected you gentleman to double up like Dr. Baker’s team.”
Randall [persuaded] her to make accommodations, “Contact the office and if she
doesn’t allow, I’ll pay the difference myself. Now, if you’d be so kind to let
Dr. Baker know we’ve arrived.” Mary announced, “I’m sorry sir, but Dr. Baker
and his team are ‘out in the field’ as he says. They only stay in their rooms a
few days on the weekend when they return for more food supplies and to store
boxes in the back room.”
After Mary assigned rooms [upstairs: Randall
#8, Barbara #7, Charlie#6; downstairs Hugh #2, Marty #1], most went to their
rooms to freshen up for dinner next door at Hungry Jack’s Diner. Hugh
and Randall remained at the hotel bar for their liquid meal.
Already at the diner, Marty followed a
trail of sawdust that led up the steps and offered a trail to the dozen lumbermen
chatting at their table. A loud roar as they let off steam from a long day of
work. Marty asked for a table nearby so he could eavesdrop. He ordered one of
everything… which surprised his 18yo server Rebecca when she learned, “No, that’s
just for me.” Charlie and Barbara entered the diner and found their elder
professor already eating. Assuming he’d ordered for them, Barbara pulled one of
the plates in front of herself and began eating. She was taken aback when Marty
casually forked food from her plate. Rebecca returned to the table to ask, “What
can I get for you dear? Your father already ordered for himself.” Charlie made
sure to sit a little further away from Marty, out of arms reach!
Another 6 lumbermen entered to fill
the last table. The noise in the diner grew louder. Barbara and Charlie
recognized Ernest busing the tables and called him over. “Busy lad. Do your
parents own the diner?” Ernest offered, “Oh no, my parents own a farm outside
town. I’m expected to help earn a living. My sister Rebecca (server) also works
at the hotel as room maid. Not many guests at the hotel; so, two jobs to help
ma and pa. Otherwise, we’d be stuck on the farm.”
[Marty and Charlie failed CON] But
Marty was busy upchucking his food. Others might think he just overindulged
with all those plates of food. But Charlie was equally queasy. And a roar rose
from the other tables, “What the hell slop is this?! Soon the owner/chef was
out front apologizing, “I’m sorry folks. I must have gotten a bad shipment of
food from Ma’s General Store. Let me make you something else.” Marty
called Carl over, “Don’t need more food but if you can half the bill.” Carl
apologized profusely, “On the house sir. You must be the other folks from Dr.
Baker’s university. I hope I haven’t made a poor impression. Dr. Baker and his
team are good customers. When they return this weekend, tell him everything is
half-off.” Marty suggested Carl take a bite, “Just so you know what we’re
complaining about.” Carl gagged, “Oh my gosh! I’ll check with Ma Peters at the
store. Don’t know what happened. Everything has been on ice; shouldn’t have
spoiled.” Both Professor Robbins and Barbara left a nice tip in recognition of at
least good wait service.
Meanwhile, back at the hotel bar. When
the luggage and equipment was delivered, Jonathan Penman (owner) enlisted his
sons (George and 8yo Matthew) to help stow the gear in the storage room by
going outside to the back of the hotel. The named luggage was left in the lobby
till the individual owners arrived to direct to their specific room. Meanwhile,
unspoken, Hugh matched Randall beer-for-beer in a silent challenge. [failed
CON] Let’s call it drinking on an empty stomach: Hugh failed miserably. Picture
the large man planted on a bar stool that struggled to hold his immense weight.
Now add leaning into the picture… the chair broke per the unbalanced weight and
toppled Hugh to the floor. Like a dead bug, Hugh just laid there. Randall didn’t
break conversation with the owner serving him, “Jonathan. Good name. So, tell
me Jonathan, what can you tell me about our good Dr. Baker and his team?”
Jonathan leaned forward to look at the
comatose student, “Dr. Baker and his team only stay on the weekends when they
come in for supplies. My son Matthew followed them on the first days when their
sites were closer to town. One of the team members would drive him home before
sunset. Lately, with them further out of town, only a few have returned as the
rest stay busy at their dig. Dr. Baker seemed VERY excited last Friday about the
findings he put in storage. Said if they find the Big-ticket item, they might
just put West Haven on the map. And then
doctor… doctor, professor… I get them mixed up. Anyway, Mr. Tucker came in
Saturday with that young boy Martin. Some kind of burn. Took him to see our
doctor Weiss.” Curiosity piqued, Randall asked to see the items placed in
storage. [failed Persuade] Jonathan politely declined, “You’ll need Dr. Baker’s
permission. Or at least someone from the original team to give authorization. I
heard a couple of those guys were excited about the recognition they’d get for
finding such a discovery. Not to say you’d ‘steal their thunder’ but I hope you
understand.” Randall now even more interested in seeing the great find… scanned
Jonathan for the key to the storage room. And again requested, “I’m on Baker’s
team. We can do this all night long.”
And that’s when the others arrived
from the diner. Marty frowned at the unconscious student and got Charlie to help
carry him to his room. “Thank goodness he got a ground floor room!” Marty
slapped Hugh awake, “Don’t make me carry dead weight.” With Hugh dumped in his bed,
Marty returned to find his luggage in the lobby and saw Randall step outside
for a smoke. With no one drinking, Jonathan retired to the back. And that’s
when Marty realized his medicine bag was missing. He found young George Penman,
“Mind taking me to the back so I can get my medicine.” [Marty didn’t know about
the faceoff between Randall and Jonathan regarding the privacy of the storage
George led the elder Marty through the private residence area. And ran into Jonathan to then repeat his need. Jonathan led the way and unlocked the door. As Marty found his bag, they both heard the back door jiggle. Jonathan checked it out and found Professor Tarsh in front of the door. [So much for his attempted break in. Marty’s Luck 16 set the bar for Group-Luck roll of timing.] Randall made a poor excuse of being lost. Jonathan suddenly became suspicious of Marty as an accomplice. Things went downhill quickly. [Psych 99] Marty had no clue why Jonathan was upset wanting to see if the bag indeed had medicine, “With all due respect Jonathan, kiss my ass.” And to prove his point, Marty stormed out the rear door that Randall tried to break into.
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