The Last Resort.P1

The Last Resort; Authored by Alex Sun


Essie Vance [Whitney]: suffers from Ablutomania (compulsion to washing/cleanliness) and Taphephobia (fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries).

Peter Graves [Jordan]: suffers from Phasmo-Psychosis (loss of contact with reality in which the person cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. In this case: he sees his dead parents).

Phillip Vance [Aaron]: suffers from Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) and frayed nerves that require Liquid Courage (suffers penalties when his flask of alcohol runs dry). Then there is his Insane Vision (bonus die yet failure results in delusions).

Intro: As they finished studying the offered spells, Dr. Henry Armitage offered more, “I know you have been through a lot. If I may be so bold to offer. As a child, my parents used to take me on vacation to a (what I now call quaint) island resort outside the small island town of Marwicker (locally pronounced ‘Maa Weaka’) off the coast of Cape Cod. While it has been closed for years, I recently learned they are re-opening the Ocean Empress Resort. If you’d like, I can arrange a week’s accommodations for you. Free of charge, billed to me. Essie, I can clear it with your supervisor. A week to relax and unwind from all the trauma you’ve experienced.”

0800 May 12th, 1922, Cape Cod Docks: It was a cold, drizzly morning with temperatures hovering around 63 degrees as they waited for the island ferry (the Zeus). Enough morning fog to hide its arrival… announced with a blaring “BBRRRAAAA” blast of the ferry’s horn. Strange how no cars lined up to roll onto the ferry. Essie remembered, “Oh yeah, Dr. Armitage did mention the island all electric: electric cars and bikes to get around. This will be fun! Phillip, it’s a shame Marina couldn’t join you what with her new job and fear of losing it if she slipped away.” Overhead, from the cab of the ferry, they heard a grizzled old voice yell out, “Cast off the lines. Shove off!” This may be a vacation, but that didn’t deter Peter from bringing along his newly modified sawed-off shotgun he stored in his suitcase.

They settled in for an hour ride across Nantucket Sound. Essie stood outside braving the cold, choppy water spray hoping to people watch. But there was only a handful of other passengers aboard and they seasoned enough to stay inside. She relented and joined them, where she found a few kids huddled around Peter playing with a paddleball. She warmed at the image of him playing with the kids till she overheard him bark, “Get your own.” So much for that image as she leaned into the disappointed kids, “You actually caught him on a good day.”

Essie pulled out colored pencils and paper from her bag and offered them to the kids. Their mother pleased, “That is so nice of you. So, are you new workers for the island? Tourists? This early in the year? Still a bit nippy, tourists usually don’t arrive for another month. As for myself, a house maid returning to get the cottage ready for its owner. Did you know the island all electric? The wealthy club members of the island decided to make the island all-electric and thus sought bids from Nikola Tesla (alternating-current (AC) system) and Thomas Edison (direct-current (DC) electric power). Tesla won the contract, although Edison did get subcontracted for the power-conversion needed charge the DC battery powered bikes and cars on the island. Say, if you’re spending a week, try the Mother of Pearl restaurant. Great seafood.”

[Peter’s psychosis- seeing his dead parents] And that’s when Peter returned to the kids and handed over his paddleball toy, “Mom says I have to share.” But that is also when choppy seas got to Essie as she allowed her vision to go from inside and the kids drawing versus outside’s undulating horizon. [failed CON] She hustled to the nearest trashcan and painted its insides. Which earned her nasty stares from the ferry crew who’d have to clean it.

Welcome to Marwicker: Essie smiled at the sight of seagulls swooping down to steal breadcrumbs from her outstretched hand. And took a long-drawn inhale of the cold sea-salt infused air. Till she gagged at the stench of pungent dead fish washed ashore. They stepped off the ferry and found a taxi already waiting, “You must be the resort guests. Mr. Knight called to say he not ready yet. So, if you don’t mind, I can take your luggage ahead as you explore the town.” Essie tipped him 50 cents considering she brought 2 large cases and a smaller makeup bag. They found a tourist’s island map at the Fisherman’s Wharf. “What say we rent some bikes?”

Bike Rental #9: They found Joshua already setting out both tall and electric bikes. The young man more than excited for customers. “Early bird gets the worm they say. Come early to vacation before the crowd? Well, you can’t beat getting around town on these little beauties. Won’t find them on the mainland, I can let you have each for $7 a week rental.” [Charm-extreme] Essie batted her eyes as she walked around them and kicked the tires, “I don’t know, kind of flimsy looking. And they say the sea air is good for you, so I was more thinking morning walks. How about $10 for the 3 for a week?” As they road away, they heard the boy proudfully telling his parents he’d made a sale. Yet from the store, they heard the boy’s dad, “$10? You call that a sale? Where’s my profits?!”

Marwicker Market #5: There was no bar on the ferry. Which was VERY concerning for Phiilip (considering his ‘Liquid Courage’ affliction). “I wonder if they sell alcohol at the market?” Phew. As Peter and Phillip scanned the available alcohol, Peter heard cursing from the back. “Damn island power. Wiring is good. Switch on. Should work. I don’t understand.” Peter found Lars hunched over a new generator, “I know a guy who might be able to help.” Lars thought it a joke when Peter called Essie over. [Electrical Repair-regular] After checking if it plugged in, she went thru the same actions to come to the same conclusion, “Input looks good. You might have a defective generator.” Lar’s salt-dog sailor background came through, “No shit lady. I said the same thing. And I have electrical experience what from retiring from the island’s power plant station. If you ask me, it’s that damn Edison somewhere on the island trying to sabotage Tesla’s contract.”

Lars tried to show off his knowledge as he described the island’s power process: step-up and step-down transformers, and high-voltage transmission lines. [Electrical-extreme] Essie listened intently as she added, “I read about the first hydroelectric plant constructed in Colorado in 1890. But you don’t have waterfalls here… how do you generate your power?” Minutes later, Lar’s wife Mary came to her rescue, “This old coot will talk your ear off if given the chance. Say, if you’re staying at the resort, I could have groceries delivered. I must say I’m surprised to hear it re-opening what with that fire of 1909 while the owner Jeremy Knight away in Europe vacationing. He must finally be back.”

Lars interrupted, “The old Ocean Express? Haunted it be with ghosts of them killed in the fire. Cursed I say. Why our island power ain’t been reliable since that fire…twer the west wing that burned down. I say it’s the ghosts of those burnt that haunt the machines.” Where Lars had originally blamed Edison for sabotage, the salt-dog now blamed ghosts, “Dang tooting. Flying orbs. Flashing lights. Sparks dancing along the overhead power lines. Aliens sucking off our energy to power their crafts.” Mary punched him in the shoulder, “Larry, leave these kind people alone from your ghost stories.” Mary rang up their purchases, “I’ll have these bottles of wine and liters of bourdon delivered later today. You folks have a blessed week on our fair island.”

1030am, Museum #6: Peter was reluctant to tour already, “We came here to relax.” But Essie retorted, “I put up with your alcohol purchases.” They caught Molly by surprise when they entered and set off the bell above the door. The young girl all dressed in black, even black lipstick. Almost goth outfit but probably more in tune with the museum theme: New England Witch Museum. Molly put on her witch’s tall hat and spoke with a fake garbled voice of a witch, “Hee, hee , hee. Come to my parlor did yee? Looking for a love potion or poutice?” Although the tour cost 50 cents each, Essie paid $2.50 for 3 tickets. Not much to show as Molly led them around the various medieval torture devises and the fake cauldron with a trio on manikins dressed in witch garb. She paused at one hallway to pull a string that evoked a black-cat crossing their path. Easy to see it a toy on rollers being pulled by a string. Or Molly’s pause when they confronted a ladder blocking their path. Peter not impressed… he faked fear and started around the ladder before actually going underneath. ”Superstitions.”

Molly confessed, “You know this is just for the tourists as Salem has all the witches of Massachusetts. All we have are ghost stories. Would you like to hear about our own island ghosts?” Molly began, “The story is based on old man Knight who killed himself up there in the Ocean Empress in the 1880s. Grabbed hold of the live wires running to his lamp. Course there are also the ghosts from the 1909 fire at the same resort. 

One of them new-fangled toasters fell into the kitchen sink. Killed 4 guests who haunt the place. But back to Mr. Knight…”

GHOST STORY (borrowed from the real London story: the Hammersmith Ghost murder case of 1804.) 

The Marwicker Ghost murder case of 1888 (consequence of a mistaken belief).

Near the end of 1887, many people claimed to have seen or even been attacked by a ghost. Locals said the ghost was of Henry Knight who had committed suicide that year and had been buried in the churchyard. The contemporary belief was that suicide victims should not be buried in consecrated ground as their souls would not then be at rest. The apparition was described as being very tall and dressed in all white but was also said to wear a calfskin garment with horns and large glass eyes at other times.

On 29 December, William Girdler, a night watchman, saw the ghost while near Beaver Lane and gave chase; the apparition threw off its shroud and managed to escape. Since Marwicker didn’t have an organized police force at the time, several citizens formed armed patrols in the hope of apprehending the ghost.

On 3 January 1888, a 29-year-old tax-collector (Francis Smith), as one of the armed patrols set up in the wake of the reports, shot and killed a bricklayer, Thomas Millwood, mistaking the white clothes of Millwood's trade for a shroud of a ghostly apparition. His defense of “mistaken belief” was not accepted by the judge. Smith was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death, later commuted to one year's hard labor.

As much as Peter protested the tour, it was he carrying out the purchase of a few knockoff books on Salem witches and a plastic duck. “Couldn’t help it. Made me laugh when Molly mentioned the old method of identifying witches by checking if they would float like a duck.”

Noon, The Mother of Pearl #7: Their spirits (no pun intended after hearing about ghosts) lifted as they entered the New England restaurant that smelled of fresh clam chowder and fried seafood. Even the wooden benches and tabletops were soaked in the scent of the stovetop cooking oils. The elderly waitress Dolly (76yo) approached with a menu. Essie didn’t even bother opening it, “Your chowder smells delicious. Bowl for me please.”

Dolly soon returned with 3 heaping bowls. Essie spoke up, “Maybe I’ll look at the menu next time. We will be here a week, staying up at the Empress resort.” Which caught Dolly by surprise, “It’s reopened? Well, that’s good news. Means more tourists with a place to stay. And although the resort used to have a grand kitchen, I’m sure folks will return to town and our restaurant.” Essie pondered the repeat surprise locals not knowing about the resort being open. “We heard others talk about a fire that closed the resort. And Molly at the museum spoke of Knight’s ghost. What was that all about?” Dolly paused with the memory, “I was around when old-man Henry Knight built the place in 1860. I was a 14yo waitress when be barbequed himself when he stuck a fork in a socket in ‘87. Crazed he was. Creepy. Never liked him much, but then I rarely saw him what with his overseas travels. A lot of time in China I hear. I hear he was into weird things. Devil worship, chanting. Rumors as I never heard nor saw.”

1pm, Library: Peter rolled his eyes at Essie, “Really? We’re going to be here a full week. We don’t need to cram everything in one day.” But Essie reminded, “The taxi driver said the resort wouldn’t be ready till after 4pm. We’ve time to kill.” As they entered the library, Peter mumbled under his breath, “If I don’t die of boredom first.” They were the only visitors to the library yet that didn’t stop the librarian, “Shush! This is a library. Quiet for the other guests.” Essie tried to whisper, “Do you have any books on the local power plant or articles on the Empress resort and its ghost?” Esther quipped, “What’s that? Speak up.” Obviously hard-of-hearing yet her prior stern words to shush, humorous.

[only one regular Library roll] Turned out they stayed 2 hours searching. Peter scanned the local weekly gazette for articles about the resort. No mention of its reopening. Peter complained, “We came here to relax. This isn’t fun. Can’t we leave already?” But Phillip was knee-deep in his own {red-herring] chase of a story about brick masons and their white garbs. Essie wrinkled her nose as she pulled another book off the shelf to read about the local Power Plant. Everything she read seemed a repeat of what Lars had told her earlier.

3pm, Can We Go Now? Peter was adamant, “Screw waiting for the resort to open. Let’s go there now. What can the owner accomplish in 2 hours that isn’t ready already?” Phillip thought to swing by the market to ask their supplies delivered early. Essie added, “Well, we can at least swing by the Power Plant and check it out along the way.”



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