Grim Occupation.P1
Hook: Prior to departing for Iraq (Armored Angels), Phillip Vance received a
letter from his French girlfriend Marina who conceived his daughter Anna Beaumont.
Marina worried her mail might be read before posting, she discretely mentions
Brownshirts in her village of Cauzerte. She lies about Anna needing medical
attention as she desperately wants Phillip to come rescue them.
Vance [Whitney]:
suffers from Ablutomania (compulsion to washing/cleanliness) and Taphephobia (fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries). |
Graves [Jordan]:
lucky soul- no current fears or ticks. |
Vance [Aaron]:
suffers from Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) and frayed nerves that
require Liquid Courage (suffers penalties when his flask of alcohol
runs dry). |
Monday, 20 Feb 1922, Paris: With inventory of their discovery complete
and crated aboard the Vimy transport, Flt Lt Kingsley gladly drops them off in
Paris, “Just telegram when you want to be picked up. Sir
Leonard Wooley (British Museum curator) is anxious to greet you and offer
proper accords.”
2pm Customs: Essie tried to charm the agent to let them through, “We have important business.” But Peter’s casual efforts to portray himself an arms dealer didn’t match her story even if she claimed him the security. Phillip’s weak French didn’t help. Tensions relaxed when Peter willingly turned over 2 of his 3 pistols. Enough distraction to let Phillip go unnoticed with his Enfield rifle stowed in his suitcase. Once outside at the curb, Phillip tried to hail a cab but really to rent. “We don’t need a driver; a map will do.” Essie put on her charm and quickly had the man melting at her batting eyes. Where he wanted “100 dollars in francs but I will refund 50 dollars upon return of the car”, Essie talked him into “70 dollars in francs 20 dollars refunded.” While Peter didn’t understand the words, he saw the flash of money and interrupted the transaction. With a menacing look, he began handing weapons for the driver to hold as Peter began counting out his money, stopping at 60 dollars. The fact Peter WELL armed and threatening clear, the driver gulped and accepted the haggled price.
They soon gazed upon their hand-cranked
2-stroke Citroen purchase.
On the road, 3pm: A short stop at the general store for supplies
(flashlight batteries, smokes, and refill of Phillips flask), and they were on
their way. 2 hours through the countryside before they reached a long valley
with a single hill dominating its center. A walled town upon the prominent hill.
Consulting the map, “That must be Cauzerte where Marina lives.” As they wound
their way up the hill, along a road edged with stacked stones, they came to a
blockade. A wooden bar stretched across the road with road-spikes beneath. An
empty watch tower stood to the right atop a 10ft wall. With the car idling, Phillip
stepped out to look for a gate guard while Essie scanned the ramparts for
movement. “There’s muddy prints climbing over the stones beside the road.”
Peter climbed out of the backseat for a smoke
and happened to look over the stones, “I see a boot. I think there’s a body
down the slope.” Peter soon stood beside the face-down body (brown clothing and
military style boots) and nudged it with his foot to check if alive. He used
his foot to roll the body over and that’s when he saw the bloody puncture
wounds on arms and neck. “I think he was attacked by an animal, although I don’t
see any tracks.” Peter looted the body and discovered a wallet with a German ID
and passport card. Meanwhile, Essie and Phillip called out in French, “Hello?
Anyone there?” Silence.
With Essie behind the wheel, and Peter on
guard with his pistol out, Phillip entered the guard shack where he found a
lever to lower the road-spikes as he raised the wooden bar. The men stood on
the car’s running-boards as Essie drove into the town. The central square
deserted. A ring of shops surrounded the square. But most peculiar was the
barb-wired enclosure of military style tents! Their repeat calls “Hello?”
unanswered. They split up with Peter walking toward shops to the north as Essie
and Phillip walked toward the ‘Hardware’ store. Where they found it ransacked:
shelves emptied with a few opened or crushed cans scattered on the floor. At
least they found: 2 large hooks, a 30ft chain, a metal pipe, and a ledger book
with last entry of a crowbar sold to the Town Hall on January 5th.
Peter edged from shop to shop, first wiping
dirt from the windows to peer inside, then opening the doors to check. All
emptied. Most ransacked. He was inside the 4th shop when the sound
of scrapping from outside caused alarm. He rushed out with pistol ready, only
to see Essie trying to drag the long chain to the car, “We might need it.” They
rejoined to enter the fenced area, taking note of the hand-cranked air-raid
siren posted at the entrance. The first 2 tents proved to be quarters with cots
(8 per tent), stripped of any linen or blankets. Most footlockers opened and
empty. Peter used the butt of his rifle to break the lock of one locker where he
found brown clothing, personal care items, and an MP18 submachinegun which he
handed over to Phillip.
The back L-shaped tent included 4 empty
jerry-cans, siphoning tubes, and a 55-gal barrel of petrol. Essie couldn’t
shake the images of their last encounters in Kizzah as she nervously wandered
thru the tent as the men siphoned gas to fill the cans. “Help load them on the
car for our return.” As they were all inside the tent, Peter suddenly pressed
his finger to his lips, “Quiet! I hear something outside. A scrapping sound as
if claws across the bricked street.” Essie notched an arrow while Phillip
readied his MP18 as Peter used his khopesh to cut a slit in the tent to peek
outside. He barely caught a glimpse of shadowy movement and the sound of
flapping decreasing in volume. He quickly used his hands to tear the opening
larger but too late to see anything more. “Whatever it was is gone now. Sounded
like it came from that statue over there. I think it flew south.”
Now Essie even more paranoid, “Flew? As in
more Migo?!” Peter directed them, “Sneak back to the hardware store, then to
the Town Hall, to then approach the statue.” Eyes skyward hindered their
stealth as Peter kicked an empty food can. But they made it to the Town Hall
where Peter took a moment to check the double-doors, “Locked.” At the headless
statue, Essie and Philip read the inscription, “Saint Anthony of Padua, patron saint of missing people.” While Peter only
saw pigeon poop on the statue’s shoulders, Essie gasped at the gouge marks… 5
gashes on each shoulder, “Talons dug into the marble. And by their span, it
must be the size of a Migo!”
Once again, Peter whispered, “Quiet! I hear someone whistling and talking.
Run, hide.” They angled northwest toward the Post Office. But Phillip had to
look. And paused as he spotted a tall man round the corner, in conversation
with someone. He could hear the echoed “Bonjour
Al-berr. Bonsoir Juliette.” Curiosity and
alarm drew them toward the man dressed in brown, offering a flower and food to
people out of sight. His clothing obviously 2-sizes too small (either shrunk or
wrong set). Peter provided rifle cover from the statue as the others
approached, “He must be over 7ft tall!” Once near enough, they realized the
flower wilted and the food spoiled, and a strap crossed his chest (a rifle
slung on his back?). The man finally saw them, “Enchanté
Mademoiselle, Monsieur.” They returned French pleasantries although Phillip
kept his rifle ready. Essie placed her hand on the barrel to lower it as she tried
to remain calm.
And that’s when Essie noticed something green on the man’s
collar, [Also in French] “Are you OK? Neck wound?” Pvt Peter Gruber swiped his
neck but didn’t see the green pus on his fingers. Instead, he asked, [in
French] “Have you seen Marina today? I’ve got food for her. She’s not home; her
father Pierre said she’s out hunting for food. Home? They live just down the
street. Yellow house.” Essie convinced him to bend over and show his neck
(puncture wound), which allowed them to see the MP18. Essie tried to keep him
talking but the man on a mission as he walked away, continuing to greet more
non-existent people. Strange. Very strange. Phillip ever watchful, sure all a
They headed down the street and called out, “Marina. Where
are you?” And that’s when they heard wood scrapping. The sound came from one of
many yellow houses in a row. Peter concerned it the flying beast he figured
flew off in this direction. They worked their way to the back yard ever
watchful of the rooftops. Nothing. The garden trampled, picked through. Nothing
remained. They cautiously approached the backdoor as Essie called out, “Pierre?”
Silence. She kept watch as the men first peeked thru the kitchen window then
entered. A half-full glass of water on a table. Water still on its rim;
recently used. Phillip inched toward the livingroom while Peter checked out the
Peter called everyone, “Over here. There’s a rope under the
bed. I think there’s a trapdoor beneath; the rope used to pull the bed over
it.” He kicked the bed to the side hoping to startle anyone hiding below.
Silence. They opened the door. Although he had never met the man, Phillip
called out in French, “Pierre. It is I, the father of little Anna.” Still
silence. Phillip descended with Peter flashing light behind him as he too
descended the wooden ladder. Essie reluctantly followed. There, in the back
corner, stood a man posed with a knife standing beside a crib. Disheveled (matted and greasy hair while his clothes filthy and
torn), fearful and distrustful. Phillip put his
weapons away and showed empty hands as he inched forward. He pulled out the
necklace Marina had given him and showed it as evidence. Only then did Pierre
relax and step forward, “That was Marina’s grandmother’s heirloom. See said she
had given it to little Anna’s father.” Peter leaned into Essie to ask, “What
are they saying?”
Pierre explained
how Marina was out scavenging for food. He continued with their story, “After
Christmas, the brownshirts entered our town. At first visitors but then
invaders. They took over the town in search of something. Cut telephone lines
and blocked the roads in and out of our beautiful city. Brownshirts. I remember
them from the Great War. Their officer forced the mayor to reveal a long-ago
hidden book. Killed people before the mayor finally talked. But that didn’t
stop the killings. More citizens were hauled away. Even some of the soldiers
disappeared. Then the beast arrived. Stalking. We survivors and rebelling
soldiers stormed the castle. Few of us remain. Pvt Gruber returned but changed.
Oh so tall now. Crazed. Brings food but it stale and he not knowing the
difference. You must help us!”
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