The 19th Hole.P1
The 19 th Hole.P1 10am Thursday, June 12, 1924 : Another Arthur has gone missing from his Thistledown golf course, northeast of Danvers. Dissatisfied that the local police haven’t found him, Arthur’s wife Crystal McMillan tasks the valet Gordon to find Private Investigators. Gordon remembers the newspaper article about a Vance Detective Agency finding another Arthur and thus gives Peter a call. Jimmy Hoplomania: unhealthy obsession with firearms. Demonomania: fear demons behind doors. Peter Pseudomania: compulsion to lie. Apotemnophobia: fear of people with amputations. Essie Basophobia: fear of falling. Geliomania- compulsion to laugh. Riche Hypnophobia: fear of sleep or being hypnotized. Eisoptrophobia: fear of mirrors. Marina stepped into Peter's office, "Phone call from Mr. Kilburn." "Mr. Graves? I saw your name in the papers, about you finding a missing man. I could use your help in a similar case. My master, Arthur McMillan has gon...