The Last Resort.Conclusion
Beginning of scenario: Essie Vance [Whitney]: suffers from Ablutomania (compulsion to washing/cleanliness) and Taphephobia (fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries). Peter Graves [Jordan]: suffers from Phasmo-Psychosis ( loss of contact with reality in which the person cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. In this case: he sees his dead parents ). Phillip Vance [Aaron]: suffers from Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) and frayed nerves that require Liquid Courage (suffers penalties when his flask of alcohol runs dry). Then there is his Insane Vision (bonus die yet failure results in delusions). Recap : A week’s vacation of the island of Marwicker (locally pronounced ‘Maa Weaka’) yet Essie tries to cram in all the touristy action in one day. Maybe it’s ...