Grim Occupation.P3 Conclusion

START OF THIS SCENARIO : Essie Vance [Whitney], Peter Graves [Jordan], Phillip Vance [Aaron] Recap : They entered the castle in search of Marina carried off by two winged creatures. They found a tapestry depicting the 700-year-old storming of the castle. At the foot of the stairs, they confronted a vile experiment coming down the steps to attack. Blasted by a shotgun, it lay dead at their feet. Peter stepped over it to climb the stairs. Phillip double-tapped it with his hatchet. 2 nd Floor : They cautiously climbed the stairs that lead to a long room. Old portraits hung on the west wall while the east wall was interspersed with arrow slits that looked out over the castle courtyard and the town’s center plaza. While Essie and Phillip studied the paintings (Essie looking for scenes that might explain the current atrocities), Peter gazed out an arrow slit for movement in town. He caught glimpse of something just...