Failed Prospects.P7 Conclusion
Randall ‘Randy’ Tarsh [Paleontology professor, played by Jon], Martin Butcher [ Paleontology student, played by Graham with Hugh out of scene ], Henry Bates [Geology student, played by Jordan since Prof Marty Robbins died], Hugh Johnson [Geology student, played by Graham], Barbara Malters [investigative Journalist, played by Whitney], Charlie Stutz [student of Photography, played by Aaron] 5:30pm, Sunday , Oct 21 st : Hugh was in a hurry to aid his friends and thus couldn’t wait for weakened Clara (he just rescued from the clutches of Jane). As he carried her, Clara mentioned the map of the mine Dr. Baker had found in the Assayer’s office. The trail north from Jane’s cabin was easy to follow and thus they soon arrived in Mel’s Creek. Hugh took time to heal himself before leaving Clara, “Hide out in the hotel. I’ll be back soon. Stay quiet!” Escape : Marty lay dead at the feet of the creature while Charlie was still last...