Andrew Keetling is Missing.P4 Conclusion

Jimmy (Graham), Peter (Jordan), Essie (Whitney), Riche (Jon) 1pm, Friday, 19 Sept : The Garsetti house was in flames behind them as they stood in the driveway. Jimmy had just dumped the mobster’s body in the well, “To keep old Mrs. Jane Garsetti company. But these notes in his pockets point to Zeek behind everything.” Riche sat in the backseat with the broken Andrew rescued from Josephine’s cultist grasp, "We can face Zeek later. Right now, we need to get Andrew to a doctor!" Peter was weak from the spell attack by Josephine who had drained his constitution. He was still reeling from the vision of the Dweller in the Void in that upstairs bedroom. At least he (12) and Riche (11) still had their Flesh Ward armor that was useless against the witch’s spells. Essie was troubled by her hopeless feeling during the encounter: unable to give aid to Peter’s injuries while unable to assist in Josephine’s demise. She had convinced herself (rightly) that if Riche’s blade was ineffe...